Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Shopster is Feeling the Heat.

My prediction: My videos will put Shopster out of business.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm with you all the way. Fuck Shopster. Here's the scoop. Shopster now claims to have 3,987 members. Members who cancel are still counted as part of the 3,987. Shopster doesn't subtract, they count all members. The true numbers are probably only around 2,000. Shopster is having a hard time keeping people past day 7 of the free trial. Even when people cancel before day 7, those people are added on to the 3,987. What a bunch of lies.

Randy said...

Thanks for the info

Randy said...

Actually, I think you're giving Shopster way too much credit. If a nation wide study shows that over 65% of new businesses end up failing within their very first year, then Shopster probably doesn't have more than 1,350 current members at most. The 3,987 reflects TOTAL membership since the very begginings of the company.

Shopster is hurting and relies on their affiliate program to make money. Members join the program, post ads and hope they receive a portion of a sale when a customer joins. This is very makings of an Amway pyramid like operation. The more an affiliate advertises Shopster, the better the odds for the member to receive a check. The 700,000 products is nonsense. That's not where the money is. It's not at all about building a website to sell retail; It's all about selling customers.

So, when Shopster rshop owners, like Stacey and Jessica attack me for telling the world i've been ripped off, they do so because they are invested in the company.

Anonymous said...

Randy, you are a true loser! I have seen your ridiculous posts scattered over the internet, and frankly dude, you just suck. You waste so much energy and effort bashing Shopster. If you were to utilize that same energy and effort in a positive fashion, you would have your own successful business. In fact, you are quite a salesman in a backwards sort of way. Because of all your negative posts about Shopster, I just had to check it out. Guess what, I signed up! I have no regrets, and have yet to see any basis in fact for your petty rants against Shopster. It is obvious that you suffer from some form of mental illness, as you seem to have an obsession with Shopster. You even have an anti-Shopster blog! Just wow. What a first class moron. Get a life dude, and while your at it, get some therapy.

Randy said...

Anonymous writes: (Whom ever he/she is)"...you are quite a salesman in a backwards sort of way."

I told you Shopster is feeling the heat. This is an obvious comment from a member who is invested in the Shopster scam. A newbie would not be able to determine success while he/she is being brainwashed.

Anonymous said...

Dude you need help. You just haven't worked to the fullest with Shopster. Your wasting your time just posting slander about them online. Some People are making over $6,000 off of Shopster every month. I'm personally making $1,500 extra cash with Shopster. I don't know what you deal is man. Just stop your crap.

Randy said...

Yeah right. I doubt anyone is making $6,000 a month from selling anything on a Shopster rshop. (Not ebay...I'm making over $2,000 a month on ebay selling gemstones). Anyone can sell on ebay. The rshops are bs.

Anonymous said...

You could be proven wrong. If you still ahve a shopster account you can log into forums and view sales reports from a few different people all making sales of loads of cash, and one exceeding $6,200.

Randy said...


Anonymous said...

When Shopster claims someone made $6,200 a month you have to keep in mind that this is the same Shopster that wants you to believe you can make "unlimited profits" selling a coffee pot for $80 when you can buy it at Amazon for $22.

Anonymous said...

When Shopster claims someone made $6,200 a month you have to keep in mind that this is the same Shopster that wants you to believe you can make "unlimited profits" selling a coffee pot for $80 when you can buy it at Amazon for $22.